Sailability Wellington NEWSLETTER November 2022
Sailability Wellington NEWSLETTER November 2022
Greetings to Sailability Wellington Members, Volunteers, Whanau Members, Carers, Supporters and Benefactors.
It's a great time to be getting out on the water , we're looking forward to some better weather and to an exciting few months of sailing ahead.
- Getting out on the water is such a special experience for all of us. Whether it gives you the peace of mind to head into class afterwards and focus on the work ahead or the physical and social recreation to thrive. Often the benefits to our Mental Health are difficult to quantify, but we think that if you follow the link below, this insightful article does a pretty good job of capturing it…..
The surprising benefits of blue spaces - BBC Future
- Thank You to all the volunteers who have stepped up to fill gaps for those who have not been available to help on any particular day. It demonstrates that we have a good working relationship amongst those who believe in all that we are achieving.
- Also, a big Thank You to those who enabled the Jetty repair at EBYMBC to be completed. In these COVID times, the Wellington City Council and ourselves each took part of the job on by agreement. There is a little more to be finished, but it is useable now.
- New VHF Radios have been supplied through the kindness of The Mazda Foundation and Anna Abernethy's good work. We have 10 new Icom VHF radios which are the latest model and match those we purchased 18 months ago
- Friday 's Sailing has been postponed, because of bad weather, for a number since we stated back sailing. It appears that this coming Friday (the 18th of November), will be a good day to be on the water there. We do need a few more people to help. Please contact us if you are available!
- Sailing Day Debriefs '. The Trust has asked that we hold a debrief' when we share our social time and a beverage at the end of each sailing day. It will not need to be too onerous. We hope, by doing this. that it will enhance volunteer participation and give us feed-back on maintenance, programme methods and the like.
- The News from the Virtu Oceania Australia Games in Queensland is that Caleb Evans of Sailability Tauranga won the Gold Medal in the 303 Singles event. Well done, Caleb!
- The Hansa 303 National Regatta is going ahead at Lake Ngaroto on 2-4 December. We have Four Hansa 303 yachts going and Eight sailors competing. Solo will be Darrell Smith, Graham Hook, Lynette Willis and Paul Doney. Doubles will be Darrell Smith & Stuart Nicholls, Graham Hook & Toby Ireland, Lynette Willis & Lucas Thompson, and Paul & Xervier Doney. Good Luck to them all!
- The Hansa 303 North Island regatta is still planned for 3 rd to 5 th March 2023 with Sailability Wellington hosting it at Seaview. We are just checking on a conflict of dates with another regatta coming up. Just as soon as we know the final plan, we will issue the standard Notice of Race'.
- ParAble's Next Step. In early December, we pick up the new sails for the first two of the ParAble Class Yachts. There will be an official launching of the second boat, (with due Ceremony), and some more sea trials. The Hull moulds have all been shifted to Wellington and the trust is giving consideration of how we might get a few more of the boats constructed. We also have a shipping container that has been delivered to enable us to store them close to the eastern ramps at Seaview.
- There are two documents that will be added to the Volunteer Handbook, to keep us compliant with the requirements of the Charities Commission, WorkSafe; our Community Based funders, (which includes the Lotteries Commission and Gaming Trusts). They are the Child & Vulnerable People Protection Policy and the Volunteer Code of Conduct Policy
Enjoy your time on the water! Kia Manuia,
From Don, the Trustees, and the team at Sailability Wellington
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